
Showing posts from 2006


It never ceases to amaze me...

Click on Santa if you love him


New From Immanel Wallerstein

In association with Exxon, Monsanto and the fine folks at DuPont Plastic Explosives, Dick Haliburton proudly presents:

Part of My Daily Reading (see sidebar left)

Another Exciting Installment of Zany Zarathustra and the...

Jews For Justice In The Middle East
(Part Nine)

Monday Morning

Jews For Jstice In The Middle East (Part Eight)

My head is going to explode!

In the category of weird dreams....

Jewish Criticism of Zionism

Another Exciting Episode of Annie Mated


FECAL is sworn in

The History of Terrorism in the Region

Intense fighting between insurgents and U.S. troops

Another lefty elected in Lat.Am.


Lack of Blogness

Jews For Justic In The Middle East
(Part Six)

Just a note that....

Jews For Justic In The Middle East (this should have come before the last section! My fault)