My head is going to explode!
Ok, so I am reading this new book (new for me) called Power Vs. Force by David R. Hawkins. It is an absolutely intriguing effort to elaborate a measurable scale for consciousness. But it is dense with all kinds of stuff I always wanted to, but never did study. For example, he incorporates nonlinear dynamics, chaos theory mathematics, neuropsychology (he is an MD and has a Ph.D. in neuropsychiatry.) Add to this a healthy dose of discussion of quantum superposition theory, quantum entanglement and string theory, and I think my brain is going to melt down. I hate that! Just when I thought I was sort of smart - brain mush! But the implications are staggering. Scientists and philosophers and theologians are going ape over this stuff. I recommend the DVD What the Bleep Do We Know?: Down the Rabbit Hole to everyone (available even at Blockbusters Mexico!)