In the category of weird dreams....

Man last night I had a weird one. I dreamed I was back with my old girlfriend Susan. Except she somehow had morphed into my exwife Suzan. And we were living in the house that Suzan and I used to own. Anyway, I am out in the city and I run into Marcel (exgirlfriend Susan's exhusband.) Marcel is a punk and a thug and was always threatening me over the phone, back in the day when I was with his exwife. In the dream we exchange a few words and then part. I go home, however, to discover Marcel has left a bunch of his belongings in our house. Susan/morph/Suzan, says that he had to move out of his place and had nowhere else to go. I told her, "That's too bad. He ain't staying here!" Marcel is, at this point, nowhere to be seen, but I worry that Susan/morph/Suzan may have slept with Marcel. I am now anticipating a confrontation with Marcel. That's when I wake up.
Subsequently, after going back to sleep, I dreamed about Marcel again. In the dream I am working with Marcel on some house that I don't recognize. We are painting the interior together, and I am working on the basement. That's it. Go figure.