FECAL is sworn in

"Zig Heil!!"
Felipe Calderón was officially sworn in as President of México today. His swearing was delayed from tuesday when a raucous brawl broke out in Chamber of Deputies. PRD legislaters were attacked by Calderón's PAN congressional deputies. Eventually Congressional Security broke up the fight and the Speaker declared suspension of session until today.

A few hours before today's swearing in, however, legislaters again took to throwing fisticuffs. The two parties had agreed to a non-agression pact. Curiously a time limit was attached to that agreement, which was set to expire at 8:00 AM today. And as soon as that pact expired, as if on cue, a new fist fight broke out when the PRD tried to unfurl a several metre long banner which delared "Mexic Deserves A Presdent Who Isn't A Traitor To Democracy!"

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of protesters again swarmed into the Zócalo to decry the swearing in of "FECAL." The controversy plaguing Calderón stems from the irregularities surrounding the July elections, which brought him to power. Widespread evidence of ballot-stuffing, ballot destruction and other serious fraudulent activity, was dismissed by an electoral court which consisted of PAN cronies. PRD activists, and tens of thousands of ordinary Mexicans subsequently occupied the Zócalo and most of the Paseo de la Reforma, the Federal District's main artery.