Monday Morning

A panel of experts has been consulted, and they have decided that it is hard to go to get motivated on Mondays. Wow. Is there anything they can't figure out these days?
I WAAAAAAS going to go to the archives today. But, I am moving tomorrow. I am changing from one colonia to another. I curently live in a place called Roma. All roads lead to here, so its a very noisey place. It is also very bourgeois. It is full of "strawberries," as Mexicans are fond of referring to upperwardly mobile, somewhat pretentious, upper-middle class snobbies (not that there's anything wrong with that.)
On the other hand, where I am moving to, a colónia called Santa María la Ribera is a much cheaper and (most importantly) a much more colourful neighbourhood. It is also a bit more dangerous. Indeed, it is referred to as Santa María la Ratera (a ratero is a thief.)
So anyway, I have to get packed today. That's why I am staying home. Do you believe me yet? Yes, thank Goodness for those panels of experts. What would we do without them?
PD: To Inglaterra and the Sultan - Can you guys take over some postings while I am in Europe? Respond or be prepared to receive a Polonium 210 enema.