This Logo was recently sent to me and I was asked to put a link to their page on my site. Now, as many of you will know, I am a Latin American historian. I study military conflict, but am primarily interested in social history and the history of ideas, of mentalité, of consciousness and identity. One of the ways in which we self-identify is through the prism of ethnicity, locality, region and nation. In my heart, I am an internationalist. I am very suspicious of nationalisms (especially ethnonationalisms.)

Consequently, when I get stuff like this I have to ask what its purpose is . I read today how the U.S. is to build an Israeli-style fence along the border Mexico. My secondary field is U.S. Intellectual history and I can tell you that America has historically tottered between the extremes of isolationism and, shall we say, "international engagement." I see this Canadian nationalist movement as similarly narrow-minded, bigotted and quixotic. I am in favour of international "deep penetration" (the imagery is so fucking sexual isn't it?) as long as it is managed according to democratic and egalitarian principles. No? Americans, individually, are a noble people. They are just a bit "nationalistic" perhaps blindly so. Wake up Canada. We are all the same. Don't kid yourself. Y tú también carnalito mexicano. Todos somos hijos (de la chingada?) del Diós. Es tiempo - no, pasado tiempo - que nos comportamos como adultos y reconocer que todos somos miembros de la misma familia. Nacionalismo es el primer paso hacia facismo. Besides, think of the combined influence the populations of Canada and Mexico could have over the Congress of the U.S.C.A.M. (United States of Canada, America and Mexico - notice I put Canada first ;-\) COMMENT! TEAR ME UP!

Consequently, when I get stuff like this I have to ask what its purpose is . I read today how the U.S. is to build an Israeli-style fence along the border Mexico. My secondary field is U.S. Intellectual history and I can tell you that America has historically tottered between the extremes of isolationism and, shall we say, "international engagement." I see this Canadian nationalist movement as similarly narrow-minded, bigotted and quixotic. I am in favour of international "deep penetration" (the imagery is so fucking sexual isn't it?) as long as it is managed according to democratic and egalitarian principles. No? Americans, individually, are a noble people. They are just a bit "nationalistic" perhaps blindly so. Wake up Canada. We are all the same. Don't kid yourself. Y tú también carnalito mexicano. Todos somos hijos (de la chingada?) del Diós. Es tiempo - no, pasado tiempo - que nos comportamos como adultos y reconocer que todos somos miembros de la misma familia. Nacionalismo es el primer paso hacia facismo. Besides, think of the combined influence the populations of Canada and Mexico could have over the Congress of the U.S.C.A.M. (United States of Canada, America and Mexico - notice I put Canada first ;-\) COMMENT! TEAR ME UP!