
Ok. So, I received a complaint yesterday that I put too much of other peoples' stuff on this blog, and that I don't write enough myself. So I will attempt to alter the balance or lack there of henceforth. Words like henceforth are great, aren't they? Henceforth, theretofore, hitherto, whence. My favourite by far is: prithy. Prithy, what is thy sign? Do you think yet that I should go back to posting interestig articles?
Today I go out to Texcoco. It is a friend's (Lenin) wife's birthday tomorrow. ¡Feliz cumpleaños Hilda! They will be having a huge fiesta. I committed to going, forgetting that I had already committed to another party. My other friend's (Felipe) grandson is having a birthday as well. Shit. I always do this. I double-commit (as in the transitive non-compound verb "to double-commit.") Now I have to attend both. I will see Hilda and Len tonight, give her her gift (which I haven't bought yet) and the go to Ecatepéc tomorrow for the cumpleaños of the little criatura Pérez and give him his present (which I haven't bought yet.) I don't know what to get Hilda. I thought of bath salts (is it appropriate to give your friends wife bath salts? I wonder if it is appropriate in a Latin American contexct.) Anyway, I'm outa here.