Posty Post Post

Ok, so I haven't posted for a few days. I think I have been recuperating from the shock waves sent out by the North Korean nuclear test. Also I was helping my girlfriend write her psychology paper. Bad plagueristic boy, I know. Or at least I was complicit in the plaguerism. It's hard for her to be starting college after so many years away. I remember when I started college, I couldn't write an essay to save my life. Fortunately my life was not at stake. Now I am trying to write five large essays which i will call chapters.
So, what does everyone think of Kim Jong Eel's latest adveture? (I know his name is not spelled like that.) Tres scary, n'est pas? But it's almost worth it just to hear Georgie Porgie pontificate, puff and snort about how Korea has defied the will of the world, and so on. This he does five years after an illegal invasion of Iraq (Estimated 654,965 additional deaths in Iraq between March 2003 and July 2006 according to Johns Hopkins study) and while America sits on 10,000 nuclear missiles and bombs. Let us all pray that Americans will continue to awaken to the fact that their country has become something they would never have imagined possible. To the rest of us in the world, America is becoming (has become) a more fearsome spectre than the very evil they fancied themselves at odds with. Wakie, wakie, wakie.