Peace Prevails - For Now

So it was an uneventful weekend, thankfully. Amlo decided to clear out the plantones on Thursday to make way for the Army's desfile on Saturday. I was relieved, because if he had said stay, the people would have stayed. The power this dude has is unreal. On Saturday, after the military parade, at least a half a million people poured into the Zócalo again for AMLO's National Democratic Convention. I signed up to be a delegate, but then remembered article 33 of the Constitution which states: "LOS EXTRANJEROS NO PODRAN DE NINGUNA MANERA INMISCUIRSE EN LOS ASUNTOS POLITICOS DEL PAIS" and also "EL EJECUTIVO DE LA UNION TENDRA LA FACULTAD EXCLUSIVA DE HACER ABANDONAR EL TERRITORIO NACIONAL, INMEDIATAMENTE Y SIN NECESIDAD DE JUICIO PREVIO, A TODO EXTRANJERO CUYA PERMANENCIA JUZGUE INCONVENIENTE." And so I decided that discretion is the better part of valor. At the Convention Amlo was declared President of the Republic by the delegates. The plan now is to passively resist what everyone knows was a complete fraud of an election, and a subsequent manipulation of Mexico's institutions, including the Suprema Corte, to sustain the fraud. The plan now is to be as much of a pain in the ass for FeCal as possible. I hear many middles class friends get annoyed with this approach. But I feel that there are no half measures with justice or democracy. Either they are seen to be done or not. All Lopez Obrador asked for was an honest acounting - what Al Gore hadn't the balls to insist upon after the Supreme Court coup détat in 2000. Either you believe in the people's right to choose their government or you don't. It's that simple.
