Shawn England notes that...

Hezbollah Appologizes

BEIRUT (element) -- Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah yesterday announced that he was "sorry" after admitting that his militia was "not fighting fair."

"I feel really, really bad and embarassed," Nasrallah said in a statement on Hezbollah television. "I mean, why can't we just fight fair against the Israelis? How can we face the girls during recess if we refuse to fight the Israeli forces face-to-face, and instead continue to fight in this sneaky way."

He called for a broad change in tactics in the war against Israel, after conceding that "the rules" clearly showed that bombing from an air force is "totally fair," while firing Katyusha rockets is "not fair."

"From now on, when the Israeli tanks and jets come at us, we'll make sure we're not anywhere near women or children, because it's not fair. Give the jets their best shot, then we'll take our best shot," said Nasrallah. "If it means our complete destruction, well, then that's fair."

He also called on Iraqi insurgents to "fight fair." "No more IEDs, no more suicide bombs," he said. "From now on, fight the Americans in formation on an open battlefield. After all, it's only fair."


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